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Buckethead Statistics Results

A total of 816 respondents took the survey from across the world! But is that enough to have it be a reliable representation of all Buckethead fans? Take a look!

The formula to obtain the highest allowable error rate is 1 divided by the square root of the number of observations (in this case 816.) That value gives us 0.035, or 3.5%.

We estimated in a Monte Carlo simulation that there are approximately 359,254 Buckethead fans in the world. So if we use a normal distribution confidence interval of 95%, and our allowable margin of error (3.5%), then the minimum number of survey respondents necessary to make an accurate representation of all Buckethead fans is 783. Given that we have 816, that means that the following results are a good representation of the entire population of Buckethead fans! Hooray!!

Check my numbers here:

1. Which of the following stage tricks do you think is the coolest?

2. Which of the following was the best flagship performance?

3. Select what you would think is your favorite genre from the following:

4. Which of the following styles of media or entertainment do you prefer the most?

5. Have you seen Buckethead live?

6. Of the following types of albums, which pair is your favorite?

7. Gender

8. Age

9. Region (note: Africa does not appear given that only one respondent from Africa took the survey.)

10. Education

PhDs by region

Women vs. Men

Note: all the results are percentages of the total. Not total values. I'm trying to find a way to upload my data so that anyone can mess with it and find things that I missed, but until I figure out how to do that on Wix, you will just have to take my word for it.



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