Guinness finally responded to me (after 13 weeks) regarding having Buckethead be the record holder for most produced music albums. Here is what the email said:
"Unfortunately, after thoroughly reviewing your application with members of our research team, we are afraid to say that we cannot accept your proposal as a Guinness World Records title."
"With the internet affording any individual the ability to create and self-publish music, there is no way for us to standardise its content or quality. As such, we do not accept applications for record titles relating to the production or creation of music."
So in other words, the internet basically ruined Buckethead's (or anyone's) chance to make it in the record book.
Picture this: what if I found out that Buckethead had the record for most produced albums and I decided to try and break it? All I would have to do is pay the money to and start uploading random mp3's of any number of burps or farts that I make and then assemble them into an "album" and just do that 307 times.
Despite the fact that Buckethead's discography is among the only verifiable discographies out there, tracking who has the most albums is too difficult.
If you haven't seen it before, then the following link will take you to the video where I first bring up the idea that Buckethead could be a record holder: